Ahad, 22 November 2015

(The Entrepreneurial Traits) - Open Risk Taker

Hye readers,
Do you know Saiful Nang is a Powerful enterpreneur. He is an open risk taker person. Here I give you a story about Saiful Nang faced the risk while he want to be a sucessfull entrepreneur.

Definition of Open Risk Taker :

An individual or business that tends to behave in a way that can potentially cause physical harm or financial loss, but might also present an opportunity for a rewarding outcome. Most business types that thrive on innovation will encourage a risk taker mentality among management to help support the creative process in other staff members.
Entrepreneurial       : Saiful Nang

Campony                : CandidSyndrome

Explaination            :

          Saiful Nang is one of the entrepreneurs who practice the characteristics of open risk taker. He was courageous to take the risk of making photography as a major career while previously he was a lecturer. He started his career in photography in his situation have failed 10 years ago. After that, 2 business he tried in 2002 and 2003 failed badly
Until one day he thought, money in his pocket RM90 will not last long and he should be sought. He choose to do things his interest even though it does not look bad from the good work done but not his favorite. Whatever the moment he is exhausted already poor. So, he chose photography career. He took a risk because photography career was expensive. He tried various ways using photography as a medium for his to survive. He took all benefit from the free advertising space, but none of that interest. He was a man who would risk introducing Candid Syndrome who was not very highlighted at that time.

Therefore, he strongly believe that that's the answer why many great photographers have never been to university to study photography. There is also no answer, why he think education in photography skills and now Saiful Nang was a great person because take risk and he believe anyone can suscess if become a brave person.
That's all for today, hope you can get more information from this blog. thank you and see you next.

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